We exist to be a place where adults of all ages can come together, encounter God and be empowered to live out His plans and purposes for their lives. Join like-minded men and women in conversationally studying God’s word, praying for one another, and participating in God’s exciting mission to our


Here at MCC, we have found that the most meaningful life experiences happen through participating in God’s redemptive work in the world in ways that we are uniquely made for, while communing with other believers! Our hope is that during your time at Montecito Covenant, we can be companions and encouragers on your journey of discovering what it means to live in God’s will as your own unique being and to live out His love and compassion for the world–including for you! Below are a few opportunities for connection and growing in faith together:

Join Pastor Mark and his wife, Beth, for a Young Adult Life Group on the first and third Sundays of each month. A light lunch will be provided!

Join are Children’s and Youth volunteer team! We have found incredibly meaningful spiritual companionship occurs when we are serving together. Join us for regular fellowship times and training meetings as our team grows together!

Stay tuned for additional Young Adult Events!


If you would like to grow in relationship with others and deepen your relationship with Jesus, joining a Life Group is a great place to start. Life Groups meet twice a month; many of the groups are intergenerational and cover a variety of topics. These groups are a great way to get more involved!


We lead the musical worship during the 10 am service through voice and instrumental ensembles. We are always looking for new people to join us, and new ideas to explore. If you sing, play an instrument, or are interested in lighting, sound, or video, please let us know!


We have two opportunities for weekly prayer at Montecito Covenant: 3-4 pm every Tuesday afternoon and 5-6 pm every other Sunday. Our first prayer group began several years ago with a goal to pray for our children and youth. Throughout the past years, we have continued to pray for these needs and have expanded our prayers to include the needs and concerns of our entire church and our church family including those requests that are made weekly. We have seen God’s many blessings as a result of these prayers, and we have seen the bond that develops among friends who pray. Please join us in the Upper Room (over the Sanctuary) for Tuesday afternoon prayer and under the Gazebo for Sunday evening prayer.