Volunteer Intern
Students who do not need additional academic credit can participate in the church’s internship program as volunteer interns.
Perks include:
No additional coursework
On-site parking
Can be done over the summer -
Academic Intern
Students seeking to fulfill Westmont’s internship requirement can sign up for COVE’s one-credit internship class, APP190.
Perk’s include:
Academic credit
On-site parking
Can be done over the summer -
Paid Intern
Students seeking both academic credit and hourly pay are welcome to apply for Westmont’s one-credit Ministry Leadership class, APP190-2. Montecito Covenant Church accepts up to six paid interns each semester. Paid internships are highly competetive and involve carrying responsibility for a particular ministry and supervising volunteer staff. They are typically awarded to students who have distinguished themselves as leaders at the church.
Perks include:
Hourly pay at the current Westmont student worker rate
Academic Credit
On-site parking
Auxiliary Hours
While the majority of an intern’s work at MCC will be carried out within their primary area of focus, all interns are asked to step outside their normal duties from time to time to assist with other tasks. These may include but are not limited to:
Providing childcare for MCC events
Event setup/tear down
Resource procurement and prep
Other duties as assigned
Sunday Mornings
Interns are required to attend Sunday morning trainings from 8:15-9:00 AM each Sunday morning. From 9:00-10:00 AM, interns assist with various greeting and setup projects, or are invited to use the time for planning or participating in adult spiritual formation programming.
Intern Events
As part of the internship program, MCC hosts a small handful of events specifically for interns. They include events such as:
Intern excursions for group bonding
Lunches hosted by church leaders
Staff parties & other social events
Montecito Covenant Church (MCC) and Westmont College have enjoyed a long and fruitful partnership in developing college students and church leaders through the student internship program. Students interning at MCC regularly attend Sunday morning worship services, serve 2-3 hours during each week, and participate in various intern events throughout the semester.
Core Commitment
As participants in the program, MCC ministry interns commit to the following:
Intern Orientation, Sat. 9 AM-12 PM
(Typically held the first weekend of the semester after classes begin)Intern Program & Church Prep, Sun. 8:15-10 AM
Sunday Worship, Sun. 10-11:30 AM
Weekly Service Hours, which vary depending on the primary focus of the internship but typically occupy 2-3 hours per week.
Auxiliary Hours, served outside of one’s primary internship focus but are needed by the church (i.e. providing childcare for an event, event setup or teardown, etc.)
Intern Events, typically two or three per semester. Dates for the current semester are available upon request.
Supervision & Evaluation
Interns are assigned a supervisor and a corresponding area of primary focus. Intern supervisors direct the intern’s work and serve as a ministry mentor. Supervisors and interns are expected to meet more frequently at the start of the semester, and then at the student’s initiative as the semester wears on.
Interns enrolled in a Westmont internship course (APP190 or APP190-2) will be evaluated using the internship evaluation tools provided by COVE.